Our EHS commitments

Zach System designs, develops, manufactures and markets intermediate and active ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry. Because of our activity, the site is classified to the European directive 2012/18/UE alias“Seveso directive”. Health, Safety and Security of people and the protection of the environment are therefore fundamental issues for Zach System. We are committed to respecting:

  • The Responsible care guidelines;
  • The regulatory guidelines;
  • The Zambon group guidelines and its behaviors: Ambition, Focus, Innovation and Accountability;
  • Our 5-year Strategic Plan;
  • The ISO 14001:2015 standard.
DownloadClick here to access Zach’s EHS policy

Health and Safety

Protecting the health and safety of our employees and neighbors  is part of our business. We are committed to :

  • Evaluate the professional risks,
  • Involve our employees in the EHS approach and encourage our subcontractors to respect these principles,
  • Identify risk situations on site thanks to feedback and reduce the accident rate on the site.


Preserving the environment and resources is a priority for Zach System. We have been certified ISO 14001 since 2002. Our strategic directions are the following:

  • Limit our emissions;
  • Promote the recovery of our waste;
  • Preserve resources by controlling our energy consumption (water, electricity, gas, etc.).
DownloadClick here to access Zach’s ISO 14001:2015 certificate

Major accident prevention

The prevention of major accidents is at the heart of our business. Thus, our objectives are :

  • To analyze the risks associated with all new processes, equipment and facilities on the site,
  • To ensure a high level of site safety,
  • Reduce risks at source.
Download“Safety Instructions” booklet (for the Zach System neighborhood).