Lavorare in Zambon

Working at Zambon

Work with us

We are a company focused on scientific progress and founded on the concept of trusting relationships between people

 Il nostro modo di lavorare

Our working method

Our working method is based on integrity, honesty, caring and humbleness, values that Zambon acknowledges, shares and fosters.

La nostra filosofia

Our philosophy

Benvivere is our corporate philosophy. It is our way of being and of experiencing the company as a place for personal and professional growth.

Guardiamo al futuro

Looking to the future

We look for people who are motivated, inquisitive and keen to discover new ambitious goals while sharing the principles of a constantly growing company.


Do you want to join our team?

Lavora con noi

At Zambon we are always looking for motivated, brilliant and enthusiastic people who wish to pursue a career within a leading company in the Italian and international pharmaceutical sector.