Careapt: new caring experiences

Careapt is a startup founded by Zcube in 2018, dedicated to the development of integrated Hi-Tech/Hi-Touch solutions for transforming chronic disease treatment into a person-centred experience of human relations and care.
With its specialist expertise in chronic neurodegenerative and respiratory diseases, Careapt combines digital technologies and nursing skills with the aim of providing continuity of care to people with chronic diseases.
The first service developed by Careapt was ParkinsonCare, a remote nursing care platform for people with Parkinson's Disease, their caregivers and their healthcare team.

Through a coordinated collaboration platform, ParkinsonCare provides daily support in the management of symptoms, while sharing with the other professionals in the healthcare team the clinical information that promotes targeted and prompt action. With this service, each patient and their caregivers are assigned two specialist nurses who provide nursing assistance for the management of the characteristic symptoms of Parkinson's Disease.
The assistance programme is designed to guarantee appropriate clinical monitoring and emotional support in the challenging task of coping with the numerous symptoms of the disease. To this end, the nurse uses the digital platform to accelerate and facilitate the physician's access to the clinical data required to support the appropriateness of the therapeutic decisions taken remotely.

Covid Emergency
In 2020, during the COVID-19 emergency, ParkinsonCare was made available free of charge throughout Italy. During that period, this solidarity initiative - undertaken jointly with the non-profit organisation Confederazione Parkinson Italia, in partnership with the Carlo Besta Neurological Institute and Villa Margherita, and with the sponsorship of Fondazione Limpe and Accademia Limpe-Dismov - provided daily care to over 700 patients and their caregivers, enabling them to manage the disease from home and avoid hospital visits and outpatient consultations, thereby also reducing the risk of infection.
The disease management model developed by Careapt, cited by leading international publications, is a paradigm of remote care which can also be applied to other chronic diseases.