Zambon Central Nervous System

Neurological Disorders

We continue to invest in research aimed at improving the quality of life of patients suffering from Parkinson's disease and ALS.

Parkinson's Disease: the second most common neurodegenerative disease worldwide

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is one of the principal neurodegenerative diseases affecting the central nervous system. Its development is progressive: symptoms appear gradually and progress slowly. It is a debilitating condition that strongly impacts the quality of life of those who suffer from it. The disease’s motor symptoms, such as tremor, rigidity and bradykinesia, occur alongside a series of non motor symptoms, such as fatigue, depression and pain, which can begin to appear even before the motor symptoms do. (1) 1-2% of the population over the age of 60 suffers from PD, a percentage that rises to 3-5% in the over-85 age group 1 , and it is becoming increasingly widespread, due to the ageing of the population and associated health conditions. (2)


2. Rick C. Helmich and Bastiaan R. Bloem Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 10 (2020) 351–354

10 Million

More than 10 million people worldwide are currently living with PD.

Source: Parkinson’s Foundation 2018
Under 50

One in ten people who develop Parkinson’s are under 50.

Source: EPDA 2018

Parkinson's is the number 1 fastest growing neurological condition in the world

Source: Parkinson’s UK 2020
Parkinson_sistema nervoso

We continue to invest in improving the quality of life of patients suffering from Parkinson's Disease

We started investing in the Central Nervous System in 2015, focusing our efforts on research into Parkinson’s disease, a treatment sector in which there had been no new developments for years. 

Since 2015, 60,000 patients have benefitted from these investments by means of an innovative molecule that constitutes a decisive step forward in the treatment of this chronic disease.

It is important to continue offering new solutions in this sector, and this is why we are studying patient-focused products and solutions, and working to develop partnerships as well as ad hoc industrial, research and marketing projects.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder with a prevalence of  5-7 cases per 100,000. It is characterized by progressive muscular paralysis reflecting the degeneration of motor neurons in the primary motor cortex, corticospinal tracts, brainstem and spinal cord. There is NO cure for ALS. Therapy consists of symptomatic drug treatment and medications to slow the progression, exercise and adjustments in the home and an ALS-team (neurologist, physiotherapist, nurse).

55 years old

The average onset of ALS at diagnosis is 55 years old

Source: ALS Association 2021

About 90% of ALS cases occur without family history, which is known as sporadic ALS. The remaining 10% of ALS cases are inherited through a mutated gene, which is known as familial ALS.

Source: ALS Association 2021

Zambon is committed to improving people’s quality of life

Thanks to a collaboration with Aquestive, Zambon further strengthened its commitment to orphan diseases and to the CNS area, enriching its portfolio with a new formulation that will help ALS patients. Zambon is committed to improving people’s quality of life through innovative medicines and modern therapeutic solutions where they are most needed.

Pipeline CNS

Pipeline CNS
Business Development Department
+39 02 66524455