Lo stabilimento di Vicenza

Vicenza Plant

Lo stabilimento di Vicenza

Vicenza Plant

The Vicenza industrial plant, opened in 1946, was revamped from the ground up in 2013, with an investment of 40 million euros. Today, the facility focuses on liquids, solids and injectables production lines.

Health & Quality Factory

A scientific center that promotes health, science and innovation.

A factory designed as a place of quality and knowledge that opens its doors to the public and the academic world in order to encourage dialogue between industry, researchers and universities.



67 Mio

Units produced in 2022


Square meters

The facility received UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental) certification, which is attached to the required AIFA approval

Vicenza Site Policy
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Vicenza Plant
Via della Chimica, 9 36100-Vicenza (Italia)
TEL: +39 0444 968911 FAX: +39 0444 348049